Step 1: Improve and prepare the soil
•Lime is a key component of a successful lawn program.
•Nutrients are most readily available at a pH of 6.5, which is what lime affects.
•Bring in a soil sample for a FREE pH test to determine how much lime is needed for your lawn, and a recommendation to improve soil structure. Apply as directed. Fill a 16oz cup for each sample and estimate the square footage for each sample (length X width).
•Bio-com Compost is a soil builder that replenishes the soil microbes responsible for nutrient uptake and improves water management
*Best method when starting over: Tilling Method
Till your existing soil to a depth of 4”. Cover with Bio-com Compost at a rate of 3 cubic yards per 1000 sq ft (this will give you 1” of coverage). Re-till the Bio-com Compost into the existing soil. The deeper you can incorporate Bio-com Compost into your soil the stronger root system you will have.
Best method when repairing/over seeding an existing lawn: Top Dressing Method
Core aerate your lawn, (not spike aerate). This helps air move into the soil and provides a soil exchange improving moisture retention up to 70% versus losing 70% from compacted soil. After aerating, top dress your lawn with Bio-com Compost at a rate of 1.5 cubic yards per 1000 sq ft (this will give you 1/2” of coverage).
*Repeat this process in the spring. Each time you add compost you improve your soil and each time you aerate you improve water retention.
Step 2: Seed & Feed (September – October)
Once you have improved and prepare your soil, you are ready to seed. We recommend Peninsula’s Finest (Titan GLX & Rendition Rx) grass seed for this area. It is a tall turf-type fescue that grows in sun and shade. It is heat tolerant, disease, pest and drought resistant as well as shade and cold tolerant, has self-repairing rhizomes and aggressive tillers that help fill in bare spots. Peninsula’s Finest is a medium-dark green grass with a root system that can get up to 6 feet in length. It is a mix of the two strongest self repairing rhizome grass seeds. It is also blue tag certified and both seeds are on the Virginia Tech category 1 list of recommended fescues. Not all varieties in blends make the list.
We recommend using Jonathan Green Seeding & Sodding Lawn Fertilizer. It’s high phosphorus formula helps build a vigorous root system and gets new grass plantings off to a fast start for a thicker, greener lawn, and contains Iron for deep-greening. Apply at same time as seed. Feeds up to 6 weeks.
In early November, apply Green Up Lawn Fertilizer as your 2nd feeding. Green-Up Lawn Fertilizer is an ideal balance of fertilizer for today's high quality turf requirements with the added benefit of Green-Meter Technology Controlled Release Nitrogen, which continuously feeds the turf for up to 12 weeks. Green-Up's release is unaffected by excessive rainfall, thereby reducing grass clippings. Green-Up also provides a readily available form of Potassium and a uniform particle size for even spreader distribution. The addition of Iron and Sulfur to Green-Up's formula helps your lawn withstand drought and disease.
Crabgrass Preventer Plus Green up - Features Dimension Crabgrass control herbicide. Can be applied up to 4 weeks later than other Crabgrass preventers. Controls Crabgrass both BEFORE and AFTER it germinates. Controls Crabgrass all season long. Low use rates. Non-staining! Premium Green-Up fertilizer, with polymer coated technology. Provides the nutrients needed for a beautiful, green thick lawn. Slow release formula will not burn the lawn. (You can not re-seed in the spring if you use this product.) Lasts for 4 months.
Crabgrass Preventer plus New Seeding Lawn Fertilizer - Prevents Crabgrass and grassy weeds from germinating, and allows you to apply grass seed on the same day without injuring seedlings. Controlled release Nitrogen feeds new seedlings gently and longer. Smaller particles provide better weed control. Use with new sod lawn installations. Contains Tupersan. Last 4-6 weeks.
Green-Up Lawn Fertilizer: An ideal balance of fertilizer for today's high quality turf requirements with the added benefit of Green-Meter Technology Controlled Release Nitrogen, which continuously feeds the turf for up to 12 weeks. Green-Up's release is unaffected by excessive rainfall, thereby reducing grass clippings. Green-Up also provides a readily available form of Potassium and a uniform particle size for even spreader distribution. The addition of Iron and Sulfur to Green-Up's formula helps your lawn withstand drought and disease.
Weed and Feed Lawn Fertilizer: Controls Dandelions and over 250 other Broadleaf Weeds in lawns while feeding your lawn with slow, controlled release fertilizer. Three way action provides superior weed control. Feeds desirable grasses longer while weeds gradually disappear from the lawn. Apply when weeds are actively growing throughout the year. Do not mow 2 days before or after application. Apply to moist grass. Do not water for 1-2 days after application and delay application if rainfall is expected within 24 hours. After applying this product, do not seed for 4 weeks. Lasts up to 3-4 weeks.
Fertilome Weed-Out Nutsedge Control (concentrate or ready to spray): Kills tough yellow nutsedge, crabgrass and other listed broadleaf and grassy weeds (including some control of Poa Anna). Plus this contains Prodiamine, an effective pre-emergence weed control to stop nutsedge and other weed seedlings from germinating during our hot summer months after other weed controls have expired. Lasts roughly 3 months
Lawn Fungus Control: A systemic fungicide for both preventative and curative treatments. Controls more than 20 lawn diseases including Summer Patch, Fusarium Blight, Dollar Spot, Copper Spot, Powdery Mildew, Red Thread, Rust, Striped Smut, Pink Snow Mold. Once warm weather hits, adjust your watering habits to less frequent watering but longer durations. Example: Change from 10 minutes every day to 20 minutes every 3 or 4 days. Longer durations of water drive water and roots deeper improving drought tolerance. Less frequency maintains dryer foliage reducing risk of disease.
Products should be applied based on the square footage of your lawn (length X width = square footage)